Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack
Mark your calendar for March 26! Join your DMWS friends at the Original Q Shack for a delicious fundraising event. Be sure to mention Duke Memorial Weekday School when you order and our school will receive a portion of the sale!
Saturday, March 8th, 2025
Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack Mark your calendar for March 26! Join your DMWS friends at the Original Q Shack for a delicious fundraising event. Be sure to mention Duke Memorial Weekday School when you order and our school will receive a portion of the sale!
Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries – Thank You!
Many thanks for participating in our annual canned food drive. DMWS delivered 502 non-perishable items to Urban Ministries of Durham Food Pantry on Friday, February 14. This is our highest total ever! Before the delivery, the children lined our hallway with cans. In addition to sorting activities, they counted, investigated weight, and compared sizes!
Saturday, March 8th, 2025
Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack Mark your calendar for March 26! Join your DMWS friends at the Original Q Shack for a delicious fundraising event. Be sure to mention Duke Memorial Weekday School when you order and our school will receive a portion of the sale!
Upcoming special days and events on our Duke Memorial Weekday School Calendar
March 5: Parents’ Council Meeting
March 7: Visit from Book Mobile
March 7: Movie Night
March 20: In House Fields Trip for Pre-K/K
March 24: Staff Meeting NO Lunch Bunch
March 26: Dining Out with DMWS at Q Shack
March 31-April 4: Spring Break – NO School
Looking Ahead:
April 11: Dental Health Presentation
April 12: Carnival/Silent Auction
April 14-15: Class Photos
Saturday, March 8th, 2025
Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack Mark your calendar for March 26! Join your DMWS friends at the Original Q Shack for a delicious fundraising event. Be sure to mention Duke Memorial Weekday School when you order and our school will receive a portion of the sale!
Saturday, March 8th, 2025
Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack Mark your calendar for March 26! Join your DMWS friends at the Original Q Shack for a delicious fundraising event. Be sure to mention Duke Memorial Weekday School when you order and our school will receive a portion of the sale!