Canned Food Drive – Success!

Urban Ministries of DurhamMany thanks for participating in our annual canned food drive. DMWS delivered 438 non-perishable items to Urban Ministries of Durham Food Pantry on Thursday, February 22.

Before the delivery, the children lined our hallway with cans. They counted, investigated weight, and compared sizes! Our kindergarten class did an estimation activity and then counted the items for us


Dining Out with DMWS – Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack Mark your calendar for March 26! Join your DMWS friends at the Original Q Shack for a delicious fundraising event. Be sure to mention Duke Memorial Weekday School when you order and our school will receive a portion of the sale!

Dining Out with DMWS

Dining Out with DMWS at PDQSupport Duke Memorial Weekday School and enjoy a great meal on March 6th!

Our March Dining Out with DMWS event is at PDQ ( 3301 Watkins Road. Durham)  on March 6 from 4:00-8:00 pm. Dine-in or Drive Thru. Be sure to mention that you are with Duke Memorial Weekday School when ordering and our school will get a portion of the sale.

We would also like to extend our thanks to Pomodoro Italian Kitchen  for hosting our February Dining Out with DMWS event!


Dining Out with DMWS – Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack Mark your calendar for March 26! Join your DMWS friends at the Original Q Shack for a delicious fundraising event. Be sure to mention Duke Memorial Weekday School when you order and our school will receive a portion of the sale!

Calendar of Events for Duke Memorial Weekday SchoolMark Your Calendar for upcoming special days and events at Duke Memorial Weekday School.


March 2 – Parents’ Council Meeting
March 3 – Book Mobile Visit, Family Movie Night
March 6 – Dining Out with DMWS at PDQ 4-8 pm
March 10 – Visit by Dentist
March 17 – Board of Directors Meeting
March 27-31 – Spring Break – NO SCHOOL

Looking Ahead:

April 7 – Good Friday – NO SCHOOL
April 29 – Spring Carnival & Silent Auction


Dining Out with DMWS – Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack Mark your calendar for March 26! Join your DMWS friends at the Original Q Shack for a delicious fundraising event. Be sure to mention Duke Memorial Weekday School when you order and our school will receive a portion of the sale!


Dining Out with DMWS – Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack Mark your calendar for March 26! Join your DMWS friends at the Original Q Shack for a delicious fundraising event. Be sure to mention Duke Memorial Weekday School when you order and our school will receive a portion of the sale!