DMWS Spaghetti Dinner

flyer image for DMWS Spaghetti DinnerJanuary 29, 2023
5-6:30 pm

Show your support of Duke Memorial Weekday School and enjoy a great meal with your DMWS friends! Our Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser is January 29th at 5 pm. All are welcome! Invite your family, friends and neighbors.

Money raised at this event will go towards updating our playground equipment.

Download the DMWS Spaghetti Dinner flyer and share with your friends and family!


Registration Information for 2025-2026

DMWS - Duke Memorial Weekday School

Registration for 2025-2026 officially begins on January 29th. In order to hold a spot at the time of registration, you will pay a registration fee. All registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. During the week of January 21-24, you will receive an application for each of your currently enrolled children through their school folder. Applications

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Dining Out with DMWS

The Original QShack - DurhamSupport Duke Memorial Weekday School and enjoy a great meal on January 18th!

Our January event is at The Q Shack ( 2510 University Dr., Durham, NC 27707 ). Duke Memorial Weekday School will receive 5% of the sales for the day. Q Shack is open for lunch and dinner, 11am- 8pm

We would also like to extend our thanks to El Rodeo for hosting our December Dining Out event!


Registration Information for 2025-2026

DMWS - Duke Memorial Weekday School

Registration for 2025-2026 officially begins on January 29th. In order to hold a spot at the time of registration, you will pay a registration fee. All registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. During the week of January 21-24, you will receive an application for each of your currently enrolled children through their school folder. Applications

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Registration Information for 2025-2026

DMWS - Duke Memorial Weekday School

Registration for 2025-2026 officially begins on January 29th. In order to hold a spot at the time of registration, you will pay a registration fee. All registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. During the week of January 21-24, you will receive an application for each of your currently enrolled children through their school folder. Applications

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Calendar of Events for Duke Memorial Weekday SchoolMark Your Calendar for upcoming special days and events at Duke Memorial Weekday School.


January 4 – First Day Back after holidays
January 9 & 10 – 2’s Open House/Tour 12:15pm
January 13 – Book Mobile Visit
January 16 – MLK Holiday- No School
January 18 – Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack
January 23 & 24 – Parent-Teacher Conferences- No School
January 25 – 2023-2024 Registration Opens
January 29 – Parents’ Council Pasta Dinner
January 30 – All Students dismiss at noon- Staff Meeting


Looking Ahead:

February 3 – Initial Registration Deadline


Registration Information for 2025-2026

DMWS - Duke Memorial Weekday School

Registration for 2025-2026 officially begins on January 29th. In order to hold a spot at the time of registration, you will pay a registration fee. All registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. During the week of January 21-24, you will receive an application for each of your currently enrolled children through their school folder. Applications

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