Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

DMWS Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries Each February, DMWS sponsors a canned food drive to support the Food Pantry at Urban Ministries of Durham. This year, students may bring in canned food items between Feb. 3 and Feb 14. We will line the hallway with the donations and students will be able to use the

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Calendar of Events for Duke Memorial Weekday SchoolMark Your Calendars for upcoming special days and events at Duke Memorial Weekday School.


September 6 – Parent Orientation Noon
September 7 – First Day of School
September 12 – Lunch Bunch Begins
September 23 – Health Forms Due
September 26 – Staff Meeting- NO LUNCH BUNCH

Looking Ahead:

October 5 & 6 – Fire Truck Visit
October 6 – Field Trip to West Point on the Eno for K, Pre-K


Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

DMWS Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries Each February, DMWS sponsors a canned food drive to support the Food Pantry at Urban Ministries of Durham. This year, students may bring in canned food items between Feb. 3 and Feb 14. We will line the hallway with the donations and students will be able to use the

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Duke Memorial Weekday School is now accepting applications for registration for the 2022-2023 school year with openings available in our 2’s, 3’s, pre-K and Kindergarten programs.

Tuition rates and other registration details can be found on our Admission page.

Please email our director,  Julie Allen for more information or to schedule a virtual tour.


Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

DMWS Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries Each February, DMWS sponsors a canned food drive to support the Food Pantry at Urban Ministries of Durham. This year, students may bring in canned food items between Feb. 3 and Feb 14. We will line the hallway with the donations and students will be able to use the

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In accordance with guidelines from the NC DHHS and the CDC all individuals who come in direct contact with students at Duke Memorial Weekday School during school hours are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, including but not limited to teachers, the director, substitutes, 1:1 teachers and shadows.


Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

DMWS Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries Each February, DMWS sponsors a canned food drive to support the Food Pantry at Urban Ministries of Durham. This year, students may bring in canned food items between Feb. 3 and Feb 14. We will line the hallway with the donations and students will be able to use the

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DMWS is mask optional. We follow guidelines from the NC Department of Health and Human Services.  As guidelines change, we will respond accordingly.


Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

DMWS Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries Each February, DMWS sponsors a canned food drive to support the Food Pantry at Urban Ministries of Durham. This year, students may bring in canned food items between Feb. 3 and Feb 14. We will line the hallway with the donations and students will be able to use the

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