DMWS Canned Food Drive

Urban Ministries of DurhamEach February, DMWS sponsors a canned food drive to support the Food Pantry at Urban Ministries of Durham. This year, students may bring in canned food items between Feb. 7 and Feb 18. We will line the hallway with the donations and students will be able to use the cans for math activities before we bag them to be donated. The children love seeing the items fill the hallway. Thanks for your support!


Schedule a Tour of DMWS

Duke Memorial Weekday School

Schedule a Tour of DMWS We invite parents of prospective students to schedule a tour of Duke Memorial Weekday School. Come see our school and learn more about programs offered at Duke Memorial Weekday School. Reach out to our school director Julie Allen or call the school office 919-688-5130 to schedule a visit.

DMWS February Fundraiser

DMWS Fundraiser with Early Bird DonutsPre-order a dozen (or more) Valentine’s themed donuts ($21.99 + tax) and 20% of the sales will go to the Duke Memorial Weekday School’s Parents’ Council!

Email your order to by Wed Feb 9 and invoices must be paid on the 10th. Please make sure to indicate in the subject line you are with DMWS, and you will be sent an invoice to pre-pay.

DMWS Parents’ Council gets 20% of sales. (21.99/dozen) Pick-Up on Fri Feb 11 at Early Bird Donuts, 2816 Erwin Rd Suite 101, Durham, NC 27705 between 8am and 12pm

On Friday February 11th you can pick up your orders at their location, 2816 ERWIN RD. SUITE 101 Durham, NC 27705, between 8am and 12pm.


Schedule a Tour of DMWS

Duke Memorial Weekday School

Schedule a Tour of DMWS We invite parents of prospective students to schedule a tour of Duke Memorial Weekday School. Come see our school and learn more about programs offered at Duke Memorial Weekday School. Reach out to our school director Julie Allen or call the school office 919-688-5130 to schedule a visit.

Dining Out with DMWS

Dame's Chicken and Waffles of Durham, NCJoin us at Dame’s Chicken and Waffles for our February Dining Out with DMWS event!

The big day is Wednesday February 16th between the hours of 3:00 pm and 8:00 pm. This is the Durham location, at 530 Foster St #130, Durham, NC 27701. Mention that you are with DMWS when you order.


Thank you to the Original Q Shack for hosting our January Dining Out with DMWS event!


Schedule a Tour of DMWS

Duke Memorial Weekday School

Schedule a Tour of DMWS We invite parents of prospective students to schedule a tour of Duke Memorial Weekday School. Come see our school and learn more about programs offered at Duke Memorial Weekday School. Reach out to our school director Julie Allen or call the school office 919-688-5130 to schedule a visit.


Schedule a Tour of DMWS

Duke Memorial Weekday School

Schedule a Tour of DMWS We invite parents of prospective students to schedule a tour of Duke Memorial Weekday School. Come see our school and learn more about programs offered at Duke Memorial Weekday School. Reach out to our school director Julie Allen or call the school office 919-688-5130 to schedule a visit.

Calendar of Events for Duke Memorial Weekday SchoolMark Your Calendars for upcoming special days and events at Duke Memorial Weekday School


Feb. 2 – Parents’ Council Meeting
Feb. 4 – Priority Registration Deadline
Feb. 7-18 – DMWS Canned Food Drive
Feb. 16 – Dining Out at Dame’s Chicken and Waffles 3-8pm
Feb. 28 & March 1 – Staff Development/Teacher Workday


Looking Ahead:

March 28-April 1 – Spring Break

Summer Camp:
June 20-24
July 11-15
July 25-29


Schedule a Tour of DMWS

Duke Memorial Weekday School

Schedule a Tour of DMWS We invite parents of prospective students to schedule a tour of Duke Memorial Weekday School. Come see our school and learn more about programs offered at Duke Memorial Weekday School. Reach out to our school director Julie Allen or call the school office 919-688-5130 to schedule a visit.