Dining Out with DMWS – Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack Mark your calendar for March 26! Join your DMWS friends at the Original Q Shack for a delicious fundraising event. Be sure to mention Duke Memorial Weekday School when you order and our school will receive a portion of the sale!

Openings Available for 2021-2022 at DMWS

DMWS logoDMWS has completed enrollment of current students and their siblings for fall 2021. There are currently openings available in our 2’s, 3’s, and Kindergarten programs for the 2021-2022 school year. Our Pre-K has a short waiting list. Please let your friends and neighbors know we have openings. To schedule a virtual tour, interested families can contact DMWS at julieallen@dmws.org or 919-688-5130.


Dining Out with DMWS – Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack Mark your calendar for March 26! Join your DMWS friends at the Original Q Shack for a delicious fundraising event. Be sure to mention Duke Memorial Weekday School when you order and our school will receive a portion of the sale!

Dining Out with DMWS

logo image for The Loop RestaurantOur March Dining Out fundraiser night will be at The Loop (1116 Broad St. in Durham) on March 16, 4-8 pm. They will donate 10% of the sales back to DMWS! Please mention DMWS when ordering!

Thanks to Early Bird Donuts and Chipotle for hosting our two February events and Thank you to our DMWS families for participating. We sold 36 dozen donuts which gives $120 back to DMWS. We also hit our goal at Chipotle to get $114 back to DMWS!!!


Dining Out with DMWS – Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack Mark your calendar for March 26! Join your DMWS friends at the Original Q Shack for a delicious fundraising event. Be sure to mention Duke Memorial Weekday School when you order and our school will receive a portion of the sale!

Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham – Update

Urban Ministries of DurhamMany thanks to all who participated in our annual canned food drive. DMWS delivered 254 nonperishable items to Urban Ministries of Durham Food Pantry on Monday, February 22. Before the delivery, the children lined our hallway with cans. They counted, investigated weight, and compared sizes.


Dining Out with DMWS – Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack Mark your calendar for March 26! Join your DMWS friends at the Original Q Shack for a delicious fundraising event. Be sure to mention Duke Memorial Weekday School when you order and our school will receive a portion of the sale!

Calendar of Events for Duke Memorial Weekday SchoolMark Your Calendars for upcoming special days and events at Duke Memorial Weekday School


March 1 & 2 – Teacher workdays and Staff Development

March 3 – Parents’ Council Meeting

March 16 – Dining Out with DMWS at The Loop

March 29 – April 2 – Spring Break


Looking ahead:

April 7 – Parents’ Council Meeting

April 20-25th – Virtual Silent Auction


Dining Out with DMWS – Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack Mark your calendar for March 26! Join your DMWS friends at the Original Q Shack for a delicious fundraising event. Be sure to mention Duke Memorial Weekday School when you order and our school will receive a portion of the sale!