Dining Out with DMWS – Jersey Mike’s

Dining Out with DMWS - October 2020 - Jersey Mike'sOur next Dining Out will be at Jersey Mike’s on MLK Parkway on October 21 for all day! 50% of all sales (when DMWS is mentioned) will be donated back to our school.


Download the flyer for Dining Out with DMWS at Jersey Mike’s


Schedule a Tour of DMWS

Duke Memorial Weekday School

Schedule a Tour of DMWS We invite parents of prospective students to schedule a tour of Duke Memorial Weekday School. Come see our school and learn more about programs offered at Duke Memorial Weekday School. Reach out to our school director Julie Allen or call the school office 919-688-5130 to schedule a visit.

Calendar of Events for Duke Memorial Weekday SchoolMark Your Calendars for these special days and events for Duke Memorial Weekday School



October 1 & 2: Individual Picture Days

October 8 & 9: Rain Dates for Picture Days

October 15 & 16: – Teacher Workdays:  No school for children

October 18-31: Virtual Book Fair

October 21: – Dining Out at Jersey Mike’s on MLK

October 28, 29 & 30: – DMWS Halloween Parades by class




Schedule a Tour of DMWS

Duke Memorial Weekday School

Schedule a Tour of DMWS We invite parents of prospective students to schedule a tour of Duke Memorial Weekday School. Come see our school and learn more about programs offered at Duke Memorial Weekday School. Reach out to our school director Julie Allen or call the school office 919-688-5130 to schedule a visit.


Schedule a Tour of DMWS

Duke Memorial Weekday School

Schedule a Tour of DMWS We invite parents of prospective students to schedule a tour of Duke Memorial Weekday School. Come see our school and learn more about programs offered at Duke Memorial Weekday School. Reach out to our school director Julie Allen or call the school office 919-688-5130 to schedule a visit.