Duke Memorial Weekday School is closed July 23 through August 5th. Messages left via email or on voicemail will be addressed when the school office reopens.

We hope everyone is having a great summer break!


Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

DMWS Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries Each February, DMWS sponsors a canned food drive to support the Food Pantry at Urban Ministries of Durham. This year, students may bring in canned food items between Feb. 3 and Feb 14. We will line the hallway with the donations and students will be able to use the

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We have a limited number of student openings remaining for the 2019-2020 school year at Duke Memorial Weekday School. Reach out to DMWS director, Julie Allen or call the school office, 919-688-5130, for details.


Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

DMWS Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries Each February, DMWS sponsors a canned food drive to support the Food Pantry at Urban Ministries of Durham. This year, students may bring in canned food items between Feb. 3 and Feb 14. We will line the hallway with the donations and students will be able to use the

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