Summer Camp at DMWS

DMWS is offering 2 weeks of camp. Week 1 will be June 24-28. Week 2 will be July 15-19 from 9 am-12:30 pm. Campers will enjoy a variety of activities including daily music and fitness opportunities. Tuition for camp is $180 per week. Camp is open to rising 3’s through rising first graders.

Reserve your child’s summer camp experience today!

We have a limited number of openings at all age levels. Contact Julie Allen or call the school, 919-688-5130,  to register.


Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

DMWS Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries Each February, DMWS sponsors a canned food drive to support the Food Pantry at Urban Ministries of Durham. This year, students may bring in canned food items between Feb. 3 and Feb 14. We will line the hallway with the donations and students will be able to use the

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Duke Memorial Weekday School is offering 2 weeks of Summer Camp for 2019.

  • Week 1 is June 24-28.
  • Week 2 is July 15-19

You can register for one week or both weeks. Our camp is open from 9 am – 12:30 pm. Campers enjoy a variety of activities including daily music and fitness opportunities.

Tuition for camp is $180 per week. Camp is open to rising 3’s through rising first graders. Contact Julie Allen or call the school, 919-688-5130,  to register.


Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

DMWS Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries Each February, DMWS sponsors a canned food drive to support the Food Pantry at Urban Ministries of Durham. This year, students may bring in canned food items between Feb. 3 and Feb 14. We will line the hallway with the donations and students will be able to use the

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Dining Out with DMWS

Dining Out with DMWS at Blaze Pizza, DurhamDuke Memorial Weekday School would like to thank Blaze Pizza for hosting our April Dining Out with DMWS event.

Thank you for your support of our school. The food was fabulous!


Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

DMWS Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries Each February, DMWS sponsors a canned food drive to support the Food Pantry at Urban Ministries of Durham. This year, students may bring in canned food items between Feb. 3 and Feb 14. We will line the hallway with the donations and students will be able to use the

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Calendar of Events for Duke Memorial Weekday SchoolMark Your Calendars for these special days and events for Duke Memorial Weekday School


May 1-3  Usborne Book Fair along sidewalk
May 3  Visit from Book Mobile
May 9  Storyteller
May 15  Kindergarten Play
May 15  LoYo truck visit from noon-1 pm
May 17  Last day of Lunch Bunch
May 22  Last Day for Students

Looking Ahead:

September 3  Parent Orientation
September 4  First day of school


Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

DMWS Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries of Durham

Canned Food Drive for Urban Ministries Each February, DMWS sponsors a canned food drive to support the Food Pantry at Urban Ministries of Durham. This year, students may bring in canned food items between Feb. 3 and Feb 14. We will line the hallway with the donations and students will be able to use the

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