DMWS Canned Food Drive

Urban Ministries of DurhamDuke Memorial Weekday School sponsors a canned food drive to support the Food Pantry at Urban Ministries of Durham each February. This year, students may bring in canned food items between Feb. 4 and Feb 15.

We will line the hallway with the donations and students will be able to use the cans for math activities before we bag them to be donated. Students love seeing the items fill the hallway!


Dining Out with DMWS – Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack Mark your calendar for March 26! Join your DMWS friends at the Original Q Shack for a delicious fundraising event. Visit the restaurant anytime between 4 and 8 pm and be sure to mention Duke Memorial Weekday School when you order and our school will receive a

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DMWS Spring Carnival – April 6th

Mark your calendars for our DMWS Spring Carnival!

The planning has begun but we would love more help getting things organized.

Interested in joining with fellow parents to help make this event fun for everyone? Please email and we can help you find a role that works with your available time!


Dining Out with DMWS – Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack Mark your calendar for March 26! Join your DMWS friends at the Original Q Shack for a delicious fundraising event. Visit the restaurant anytime between 4 and 8 pm and be sure to mention Duke Memorial Weekday School when you order and our school will receive a

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Dining Out with DMWS

Dining Out with DMWS - The Original Q Shack - DurhamFebruary’s Dining Out with DMWs event will be February 19th at The Q Shack (2510 University Dr, Durham, NC 27707). 10% of sales from 4 – 9 pm will benefit Duke Memorial Weekday School so mark your calendar and join us!


Dining Out with DMWS – Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack

Dining Out with DMWS at the Q Shack Mark your calendar for March 26! Join your DMWS friends at the Original Q Shack for a delicious fundraising event. Visit the restaurant anytime between 4 and 8 pm and be sure to mention Duke Memorial Weekday School when you order and our school will receive a

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