Duke Memorial Weekday School Handbook

Duke Memorial Weekday School - Durham NC

The 2018-2019 Duke Memorial Weekday School Handbook is now available in Adobe pdf format.

Download your copy today!


Schedule a Tour of DMWS

Duke Memorial Weekday School

Schedule a Tour of DMWS We invite parents of prospective students to schedule a tour of Duke Memorial Weekday School. Come see our school and learn more about programs offered at Duke Memorial Weekday School. Reach out to our school director Julie Allen or call the school office 919-688-5130 to schedule a visit.

Fall Gathering, October 28th 3-5 pm

Duke Memorial Weekday School’s annual Fall Gathering is right around the corner and we would love for you to be there!

This event is a wonderful opportunity for parents to connect and socialize, for students to show off their classrooms and artwork, and for everyone to support our Kindergartners in their first performance! This year’s Fall Gathering will be held on Sunday, October 28th from 3-5 pm.


Schedule a Tour of DMWS

Duke Memorial Weekday School

Schedule a Tour of DMWS We invite parents of prospective students to schedule a tour of Duke Memorial Weekday School. Come see our school and learn more about programs offered at Duke Memorial Weekday School. Reach out to our school director Julie Allen or call the school office 919-688-5130 to schedule a visit.

Dining Out With DMWS

Dining Out with DMWS at PDQOur October Dining Out with DMWS event is scheduled for October 24th from 1 to 8 pm at PDQ, 3301 Watkins Road Durham, NC 27707. 10% of sales benefit DMWS.

Visit PDQ Durham online for further restaurant information.



Schedule a Tour of DMWS

Duke Memorial Weekday School

Schedule a Tour of DMWS We invite parents of prospective students to schedule a tour of Duke Memorial Weekday School. Come see our school and learn more about programs offered at Duke Memorial Weekday School. Reach out to our school director Julie Allen or call the school office 919-688-5130 to schedule a visit.

Calendar of Events for Duke Memorial Weekday SchoolMark Your Calendars for these special days and events for Duke Memorial Weekday School


October 3 – Fire Truck Visit
October 3 – Parents Council Meeting
October 11 & 12 – Individual Photos
October 18 & 19 – Teacher Workdays
October 18 – DOPA Parent Workshop by Amanda Morgan
October 24 – Dining Out with DMWS – PDQ 1-8 pm
October 24-28 – Scholastic Book Fair
October 28 – Fall Gathering 3-5 pm
October 31 – Halloween Parade


Looking Ahead:

November: Giving Tree Collection
December 10 – Teacher Holiday Luncheon


Schedule a Tour of DMWS

Duke Memorial Weekday School

Schedule a Tour of DMWS We invite parents of prospective students to schedule a tour of Duke Memorial Weekday School. Come see our school and learn more about programs offered at Duke Memorial Weekday School. Reach out to our school director Julie Allen or call the school office 919-688-5130 to schedule a visit.


Schedule a Tour of DMWS

Duke Memorial Weekday School

Schedule a Tour of DMWS We invite parents of prospective students to schedule a tour of Duke Memorial Weekday School. Come see our school and learn more about programs offered at Duke Memorial Weekday School. Reach out to our school director Julie Allen or call the school office 919-688-5130 to schedule a visit.