Openings for 2015-2016

Please note: We have limited openings for the 2015-2016  school year. Please email Julie Allen or call (919) 688-5130 for more information.


Get your DMWS Spirit Wear

Tees, totes, and DMWS spirit wear may be ordered on-line from Company Casuals


Schedule a Tour of DMWS

Duke Memorial Weekday School

Schedule a Tour of DMWS We invite parents of prospective students to schedule a tour of Duke Memorial Weekday School. Come see our school and learn more about programs offered at Duke Memorial Weekday School. Reach out to our school director Julie Allen or call the school office 919-688-5130 to schedule a visit.

Upcoming Duke Memorial Weekday School Events:

March 4 – Parents’ Council Meeting

March 4-6 – Spirit Days
   4 – Pajama Day
   5 – Wacky Day
   6 – Favorite Team/DMWS Spirit Day

March 7 – Carnival and Silent Auction

March 24 – Dining Out at Pompieri Pizza 5pm-8:30pm

March 25 – Rags to Riches Theater performance

April 8 and 9 – Class Pictures

April 12 – Playdate in the Park

April 26 – DMWS Durham Bulls Outing


Schedule a Tour of DMWS

Duke Memorial Weekday School

Schedule a Tour of DMWS We invite parents of prospective students to schedule a tour of Duke Memorial Weekday School. Come see our school and learn more about programs offered at Duke Memorial Weekday School. Reach out to our school director Julie Allen or call the school office 919-688-5130 to schedule a visit.